About Me

It's been seven years now (2015) I was diagnosed with Adult Asthma. I've been in and out of the Hospital with severe attacks. I wanted to find somehting that could or would possibly help control or assist. Continually being on steroids is not fun and with that came a lot of weight gain.😠

I was introduced to doTERRA Essential Oils - **Not as a cure** but as a helpful way to a Natural non Chemical / non Pharmacudical way to breathe. In my quest for an alternative way to Health & Wellness; I have found that I can use my Oils (Topycally, Aromatially, Orally) which helps to reduce the use of my Prescription Medication. Oh I still use one of my inhalers on a daily basis (morning & night). 

I'm not a Doctor nor do I pretend to be - I'm one person who just like a lot of you; wants to find a way to help aleviat a condition in a more Natural way.

Since I first wrote this page (2015) now being 2022 I have suffred an acute Pulmonary Embulisum along with an acute Asthma Attack ~ the Blood Clot was in my lung...........which come to find out started in my leg.

The night this happened I had just returned home from a road trip to California, think I had only been home for about 4 hrs chatting with my daughter on the phone and computer making reservations for a girls get away. Then it happened, jsut as I was going to get ready for bed........my breathing worsened, to the point of not being able to walk.

Calling 911 was the most scariest I've ever had to do, and being alone was even worse. If I would have waited a few moments longer to call for help I would not be sharing this; needless to say this has been very devistating not just to me but to my family as well.

My Hosptal stay was a week in ICU.......I LOST 4 days of my life during that time; (waht I mean is that I can not recall anything that happened to me after the Paramedics / Ambulance / Fire Department showed at my house. The ride to the ER and the ER is all a mystery to me) Then to waken in the hospital with your family there and they start to tell you what happen. YES I could have lost a whole lot more than 4 days; thank God I didn't - he watched over me (still watches over me)

Since then I've been diagnosed with a RARE Syndrome "Chrug Strauss Syndrome"  Now refered to as EGPA or CSS either way it is a RARE Autoimmune disease. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6Ey09QSlQ65ZTYzSXYyVTlfVHM/edit?usp=sharing

along with being put on a blood thinner ( for the rest of my life) I've been set up with oxygen (Inogyn) Right now I've been taken off some medications including the steroids - only use when REALLY bad symptoms come on. (Praise God) 

Because of God I'm here to tell more of my story ❤

I'm still battling with my weight gain; (due to the steriods usage for over 4 years on and off)

I've had to learn to eat diffrently as well; now being pre Diabetic due to all the steroid usage, my weight is till an issue. Just when I think I'm doing great loosing weight - my symptoms flare up and I'm back on the steroids 😥............. Right now I'm going I'm using shakes which are great for that in between or early morning breakfst; one(s) I'm using is doTERRA Trim Shake and the other is the Juice Plus shake; (the Juice Plus are easy take with you packets) wich come in handy. These two have helped me get a grip from further weight gain. Trying to find different ways to make my shakes is EXCITING! & Yummmmy!(I'll share some of my receipes with you on my othere pages)

I've also found another GREAT way to get my fruits / vegietables along with a fruit based Omgea - instead of the fish omega. This is from Juice Plus; I was so Blessed when I found Dr. Audrey at a Health and Welness Fair, just a week after being released from the hospital (2017). She introduced me to Juice Plus line and I've been an advid user ever since (started selling it as well) I'm able to have more energy by taking the fruit and vegietable blends and I love the Juice Plus Omega (no fishy smell or taste), which assists my lungs in being lubercated (so to speak)

I'm also using Watkins (they have been around since 1868); there I can find different seasonings (Natural / Organic) to help me stay away from salt. My family has been using Watkins for years. I'm learning how to season meats and chicken with out using salt & pepper 🙂 I'm using Celery seasoning, Himalayan Salt and other seasoning that are good for you. It's all a learning process.

This has been a very difficult year (2017) for me - I've learned so much about this syndrom "Chrug Strauss Syndrom" or CSS - EGPA. I've been experiancing so many different symtopms from leg / feet swelling, joint pain, blisters on my scalp, brittle hair & nails, soles of my feet peeling, facial swelling along with veins getting inflammed (oh, and what I cough up from time to time - would make your head turn) ****I'm just being honest****

This syndrome also causes pressure on my lungs (which makes it difficult to breath) I've been finding out that there are so many things that I can't do (most people take for granted) Trust me - I used too and now I'm one of those people who cheish everyday.

There are so many things I need to stay away from, that it limits me from being social and be able to travel which I really LOVE & ENJOY.

I'm starting an anti-inflammitory diet in order to help control all the swelling along with getting Lymphatic massages (monthly) and general massages (when I can get in to see my daughter🤭). I've been told that my white blood count is high - which causes my Asthma to flair up  and this also causes me to cough up dead cells (GROSS I KNOW 😲 ) I never realized that your body could do so much (not just the physical aspect) but being sick.

I'm determined to find ways to help control and, or help make life a little easier. Trust me when I say life isn't easy, people look at you differently or might make a comment or think that you are lazy or because of your weight all you do is sit and eat all day...................GOSH, they are so WRONG. 

Sometimes I just want to cry and ask God why - get mad and give up. But I think about all the other people who are struggling and working their way through. God isn't going to give me more than I can handle. With Godall things are possible! ( Matthew, verse 19:26)

I'm doing my best trying to find an alternative way to survive; whether it be changing the way I eat, using Essential Oils to help aleviate the pain, making the decision to use natural fruit / plant based summplememnts.

If I can help just one person by sharing my personal health issues along with the products I'm using or can be an inspiration; well then we will all be Living Life Healthy.

It's just nice to know there is someone out there that knows and cares. 

I'd like to give a BIG thank you / Ilove you, to my daughter Jessika - she is always searching the web and asking questions of her clients that may have the same symptoms or related issues (she is an awesome massage therapist).

 Anyway, she  has directed me to different avenues as well. Like drinking celery juice (Medical Medium) are books books that she has recommended. I'm also still tried and true to Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know by Kevin Trudeau.

No matter who you like to read or feel comfortable with getting your information from, do it and stick with it. It's for you!

Thank you and may God Bless you all💋


2020 update, so it's been 3 years since my last update.

Well, there has been quite a bit that has happened. Needless to say I'm writing this part during the COVID-19. But I want to go back to November 2019, this is when I finally was approved for new medication; this medication had been recommened by my Doctor who is treating for the (Strug Strauess, CSS, EGPA) - the medicine is new and now you can see it on commercials. It's called Nucala - I receive 3 shots a month ðŸ˜², they make my arms hurt after but a little cool compress does he trick to sooth. Then I get body aches for a day or two (2), then it's wonderful...............I can breathe - my lungs don't hurt (especially when I take a deep breath) the wheezing has disapatted - to where I can't hear it - only feel it at times (when it's cold or hummid) All, I can say is Praise God for sending me a Doctor who knew about my conditiona and a medication to help. (Truly Blessed)

I'm still on my inhaler (but now at a lesser dosage) and still on my blood thinners, praying that those will stop in about 6 mos (my blood has been great) I have to wait until this COVID-19 is over so that I can be tested for my white blood cells, needless to say I'm very anxious / excited to find out those results. Right now it's not possible for me to see my Doctor, as his office is closed to exsisting patients right now

Because of the COVID-9, my life has changed (like everyone elses). My option was to work from home - due to the fact our office wasn't a safe enviorment for me (even thought my oxygen & medications and other supplies were readily available to me. So working from home it was🙃, then came the fatigue of being at home ALL the time, really no physical excersise like most staying at home for 6 mos got old real quick - I gained more weight due to not being active ðŸ˜¥  I've been back in the office since the 1st of October, and have found it hard to get back into the swing. My body is more sluggish, tired and achy - so you could say I went backward from where I was 6 mos ago. But I'm making it through, working it out one day at a time.

People ask me how I function with the mask, I was wearing a mask before it was mandated. Becasue of my issues with smells (perfume, candles, grass, wind.....ect) the mask became my friend, so I didn't mind it.

People used to look at me strangely but I didn't care it helped keep me from all the smells that weren't kind to me (I spray my mask with doTERRA OnGuard so I not only smell something great but it keeps the germs away as well - one of my favorite doTERRA Essential Oils).

So, now that I'm back at work my Boss keeps everyone at bay. I wear my mask like I used too and so does he (now) funny, becasue he was one that would look at me strange.  Everything gets disinfected everyday, no one uses or touches my desk or items around it. My Essential Oils are still by myside (Peppermint, On Guard, Breathe oh and Frankincense) I use the roller bottle to mix Peppermint / Frankincense together and roll on my neck when I get tense or just want that refreshing aroma. My Peppermint spray is sprayed to give me an uplifting scent, the On Guard is sprayed on my hands through out the day and on a cloth to wipe the phone, keyboard and printers and the Breathe I apply to my chest to open up my airways.

Because of this COVID-19 I don't take anyhting forgranted (not that I ever did), even though I'm on medication for my autoimmune and use inhalers, I still stay away from EVERYTHING - grocery shopping has become a bigger chore. Visiting Family & close friends has it's ups and downs - I know who I can see and who I can't, but everyone understands.

My house is a freindly place for me - On Gurd is diffused, spary bottles are made and used all the time. I carry an On Gurad and a Peppermint spray bottle with me at all times (one to use when I need to put gas, go to the store (I spray the cart) and the Peppermint is to spray me (well so is the On Guard) I use both at times to spray myself😋 I love the way they smell.

Right now (10.21.2020) my new medication is working, I'm feeling much better and I'm continuing to do all the things I mentioned above. I pray that my journey / experiance as I share will enable someone else to Live-Life-Healthy.

May God Bless you - stay safe n well.

09.31.2021 it's been a journey to say the least. But with the Grace of God - I'm here and still doing GREAT! Not too many things have changed. Since my last post during COVID; I've added more vitamins to my regime, only to support my immune system further.

Check out my list: Quercetin 500 mg, Zinc 50 mg, D3 10,000 mg, C 4,000 mg, B1 100 mg

Thank you!

Stay Healthy - LivingLifeHealthy each and everyday!




28.12.2020 01:11

Rick (Goober) Rodriguez

hey stranger sorry I don't have a telephone number of yours anymore I assuming it has changed or something my contact number is (714) 470-9057 would love to hear from you soon or sooner 🙏🥰😛

25.10.2020 03:19

Valarie Harvey

Hi this is Valarie, what can I use to lose weight. I need help. Glad your doing ok.

12.11.2020 22:15


Hi, Valerie
It's been a while, there are several recommendations to loose weight. I'll message you on FB later :)

11.10.2020 19:11

Joanie Conroy


08.10.2020 20:54

Miss Scot Davis

Fantastic Soft Shoes

08.10.2020 17:34

Talia Kuhn


07.10.2020 12:24

Lew Volkman I


06.10.2020 22:08

Lester Wolf


05.10.2020 14:26

Mia Boehm DDS

knowledge user

05.10.2020 10:02

Jerrod Harber


04.10.2020 02:14

Ralph Keeling


01.10.2020 01:34

Eldred Zboncak


30.09.2020 23:32

Miss Eden Pagac


30.09.2020 21:16

Annabelle Bartoletti


24.09.2020 15:54

Ms. Desmond Bins

pricing structure

23.09.2020 14:27

Mr. Alessandro Rau


17.09.2020 22:42

Gussie Stanton

North Dakota

13.09.2020 01:08

Cecelia Hodkiewicz


11.09.2020 00:10

Jamie Quigley

Fantastic Rubber Sausages

02.09.2020 17:09

Evan Torphy

backing up

01.09.2020 14:21

Deondre Lind


01.09.2020 10:45

Ms. Eudora Larson

Rustic Frozen Chips

25.08.2020 08:20

Tyrese Weimann


18.08.2020 01:51

Giles Buckridge


14.08.2020 12:32

Isac Crist

Unbranded Metal Soap

11.08.2020 17:37

Destany Johns


07.08.2020 08:19

Trever Trantow


07.08.2020 02:43

Lisette Kihn

Tasty Fresh Gloves

06.08.2020 14:34

Saige Crooks


05.08.2020 15:14

Kyra Lynch


27.07.2020 14:40

Kaci Stanton


21.07.2020 11:16

Gaylord Hermiston


21.07.2020 00:11

Mr. Ilene Conn


17.07.2020 16:25

Ayla O'Kon


06.07.2020 20:53

Blake Nikolaus Sr.


29.06.2020 06:30

Ella Swift

Practical Cotton Hat

22.06.2020 02:52

Mr. Keely Feeney


16.06.2020 11:46

Jarrell Stiedemann III


16.06.2020 01:01

Branson Hickle


15.06.2020 19:39

Penelope Lemke


15.06.2020 16:22

Ms. Clara Legros


14.06.2020 16:18

Danika Nitzsche


09.06.2020 03:14

Jakob Parisian

3rd generation

06.06.2020 01:15

Amelia Miller


02.06.2020 13:21

Tyrell Cruickshank


31.05.2020 09:36

Tyree Volkman V


30.05.2020 22:15

Lonny Gusikowski


30.05.2020 21:44

Cristal Waters


30.05.2020 14:18

Micheal Maggio


30.05.2020 01:02

Harmon Boyer


28.05.2020 08:11

Meta Heathcote


27.05.2020 02:29

Frederik Marvin


24.05.2020 10:26

Pierce Berge


21.05.2020 02:16

Dexter Howe


19.05.2020 16:54

Dr. Jeanne Balistreri


19.05.2020 16:18

Jessyca Mohr III


17.05.2020 23:11

Keshaun Bogisich IV


17.05.2020 18:05

Quinten Rau


17.05.2020 12:34

Scot Gerlach


15.05.2020 15:24

Rusty Rice


14.05.2020 16:23

Melba Langworth

South Carolina

08.05.2020 11:41

Evangeline Labadie


07.05.2020 00:55

Coleman Schimmel


06.05.2020 19:35

Mossie Kihn


04.05.2020 17:53

Kraig Kuhic


30.04.2020 10:15

Stella Rodriguez


27.04.2020 22:54

Coy Koepp


27.04.2020 20:55

Mrs. Amie Hoppe


27.04.2020 01:37

Misael Bins


25.04.2020 16:04

Willard Weimann


22.04.2020 01:04

Amira Dooley
